Parthiban Arunasalam – President and Chief Executive Officer

Parthi has been in the MEMS industry for more than 15 years. Prior to his current role, he was the VP of Engineering at DMQ from 2012 to 2013, and COO from 2013 to 2014. Under his leadership and management, the company has seen progressive growth of customer base, new applications and manufacturing operations in North America and Asia. Parthi holds 32 US patents and over 20 international patents in MEMS valve and sensor design, MEMS intelligent sensor controls logic and cloud platform. He is the author of more than 24 published technical papers in engineering journals and conferences.


Parthi graduated from the University of Science Malaysia (USM) with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in mechanical engineering. He also holds a Master’s degree with an emphasis in electronics packaging from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. He went on to pursue the doctoral degree in mechanical engineering at the State University of New York (SUNY) in Binghamton but eventually left the program for an opportunity to work at Microstaq Inc. that later got acquired by DunAn in 2011.


Nelson Fuller – Director of Technology

Prior to joining DMQ, Nelson was Chief Engineer for Research and Development at TRW Automotive. He brings 30+ years of hands-on experience in the design and development of new products including automotive fluidic braking systems. His experience includes the invention of, design, and development of automotive fluidic systems as well as the hardware configuration for these systems. Nelson earned his Bachelor of Science in Physics from Oakland University. Nelson holds 22 patents and is an original inventor of the DunAn Microstaq valve technology.


Jerry Jadwisiak – Director of Sales & Marketing

Before joining DMQ, Jerry was Director of Product Management at Refrigeration at Johnson Controls, Inc. He has over 30 years of business experience with wide-ranging, global leadership roles in manufacturing operations, product development, and product management. He has created and executed business strategies focused on the success of his customers. His experience includes manufacturing start-ups, business turnarounds, and technology transfers. Jerry earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial & Systems Engineering from Ohio University.